Join us April 5, 2025 for big groundbreaking where we will celebrate the start of the construction of the next 3 BCLT homes!
2955 Princeton Ave.
April 5, 2025
2:30 pm
More details to come. Send us a message at binghamptonclt@gmail.com to RSVP!
If you’re looking for grants to assist with downpayment, Patriot Bank Mortgage has a program that may help! Details in the flyer to the right. Call 901-505-6999 for details.
Previous Events
First-Time Home Buyer Workshop
Saturday, May 18
Community Cookout
On Saturday, November 2nd the BCLT hosted a Community Cookout at the 2955 Princeton Ave property to meet the neighbors around the 3 properties and celebrate the plans for the next Assisi Homes.
We had neighbors, community partners, and friends join in the celebration and a few neighbors stopped by to ask about the future homes. If you drive by you’ll see a few “Coming soon!” signs on the lawn. If you’d like to stay in the loop and join us for the ground breaking send us a note via email at binghamptonclt@gmail.com!
In Partnership with Patriot Bank, the BCLT hosted a workshop on Saturday May 18 at the Commons on Merton for first-time home buyers in which potential homebuyers had access to all the information they would need to run credit checks, get any question answered about the home loan application process, and receive information and be able to apply for a $10,000 down payment grant that doesn’t need to be repaid. In addition both language interpretation and a free lunch was provided for those attending.
Education & Trainings
On Nov 28th, 2023 the BCLT and Center For Transforming Communities hosted Dominic Moulden, organizer with Organizing Neighborhood Equity (ONE DC). Community members from Binghampton, Klondike, Alcy Ball, and other Memphis neighborhoods gathered for a seminar to on CLTs to learn the following:
What are CLTs
How governance works in a CLT
The role of the CLT board
CLT ground leases
Coalition & collaboration
With the tools and vision for CLTs, the attendees will be reconvening on December 1 to discuss a broader conversation for CLTs in Memphis. Stay tuned to learn about this broader collaboration to address sustainable, housing affordability in Memphis!
Total trained in English
Total trained in Spanish, Arabic, and Burundi
Meeting & Training prospective CLT Homeowners
In September 2023, the BCLT met with prospective CLT homebuyers to explain the model of CLT and what we are envisioning in Binghampton.
A total of 8 members went through the intense CLT training led by our board members to make sure these potential homebuyers fully understood the process, contracts, and ongoing responsibility of being a CLT homebuyer.
Outreach Events
Fall 2022, we partnered with United Housing, Inc. to host a Homebuyers Education Course in Swahili at the Village Community Center and joined the 2022 State of Memphis Housing Summit to share the work in Binghampton and meet other community partners addressing housing justice throughout the city.
This spring, thanks to a generous grant from Community LIFT, the Binghampton Community Land Trust was able to host a Housing Fair for our Spanish-speaking community members. We partnered with Su Casa Family Ministries to host an afternoon full of informational sessions on everything from how to improve your credit, importance of home insurance, and a Renter’s Rights workshop.
To stay in the loop with upcoming events, email binghamptonclt@gmail.com!

Our First Home is Complete!
On October 2021, we completed our very first home thanks to the hard work of many people!
Check out coverage of the family who moved into the first home in the news links below.
Pictured: Magaly Cruz stands in front of our newly completed home on Oxford Ave.
Interested in applying to own a future BCLT home?
Reach out at BinghamptonCLT@gmail.com
In the News
Expanding housing options for Binghampton in 2024:
WREG News Channel 3: “GREATER MEMPHIS ON A MISSION: Binghampton organization helps low-income families buy affordable homes”
Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Oxford House:
Daily Memphian: “Construction of home, a milestone for Binghampton group”
WATN Local 24: “Binghampton Community Land Trust hosts groundbreaking on first property”
Plans come together to begin:
WMC Action News 5: “Construction scheduled to start Memphis’ first community land trust home”